

support the arts, support artists, support local business:

all for those whose livelihood is to enhance the arts

—  donations  — 


monetary donations are welcome to Caelene nee Glen: funds will be added to the business budget to directly assist in maintaining operations and growing an ethical, transparent business in the arts sector


artwork donations will be accepted by agreement: older works that no longer suit your homes’ style or size can be donated to Caelene nee Glen, which will then be sold on with funds added to the business operating budget.

clientelle & collections

clientelle donations can be arranged so that art advisory businesses can transfer clients into the care of Caelene nee Glen ‘art advisory’: services include collection management, acquisition and decomissioning, conservation and resting schedules; all previous practices will be respectfully considered and clients looked after with pure empathy.

collection dontations can be considered for transfer to Caelene nee Glen management: this may be a collection with rotation over existing business/personal client base and/or a collection owned by a discontinuing business

a word on donating to ‘caelene nee glen’

The Visual Arts Sector is amazing: it brings ideals of human existence and the spirit of the universe into beautiful contemplation. Arts businesses work with artists; and only through an artists’ practice can a channel of meaning to be portrayed into belongings and objects in tactile form. These objects are created in a way that can connect on a deep human emotional and intellectual level.

Currently, the societal economy is not programmed to support a work-life balance for a the majority of those people who work in the arts sector.

‘Caelene nee Glen’ is a creative business which envisions support to the arts sector and all those working within it. As a private business, operated by a small business owner, this donations strategy has been developed to both provide financial viability to continue offering artistic services to the community and arts sector; yet also to provide hope that artistic belongings can be valued and appreciated beyond the destination of misunderstanding.

All donations gifted to ‘Caelene nee Glen’ will be cared for, appreciated and sold with in line with the artistic value belonging to the art pieces. Profits will assist the business to grow, to support artists, to support community creative growth opportunities, and to support a living wage for the business owner and contractors.

Please feel free to be generous or skimp with donations, as every contribution will be highly valued.